Sunday, May 17, 2020

History of Cognitive Psychology - 1666 Words

Abstract An analysis of the history of cognitive psychology. Including key ideas, contributors, trends, etc. History of Cognitive Psychology According to G. Miller of Princeton University, cognitive psychology is an approach to psychology that emphasizes internal mental processes. So, â€Å"since the beginning of experimental psychology in the nineteenth century, there had been interest in the study of higher mental processes. But something discontinuous happened in the late 1950s, something so dramatic that it is now referred to as the ‘cognitive revolution,’ and the view of mental processes that it spawned is called ‘cognitive psychology.’ What happened was that American psychologists rejected behaviorism and adopted a model of mind†¦show more content†¦Through the years of psychology, there have been many scientists and psychologists who have taken it upon themselves to study cognitive psychology. Such studies have made major contributions to the world of cognitive psychology. One contributor towards cognitive psychology was George Armitage Miller. â€Å"Miller is an excellent subject to study, for he literally embodies much of the history of cognitive psychology and cognitive science. His career spans the cognitive revolution. He began as a good behaviorist but later came to reject behaviorism, becoming, in one historians words, ‘the single most effective leader of the cognitive psychology.’ In addition to being an innovative thinker in his own right, he also played the vital role of translator, introducing ideas from other disciplines into psychology. Also, as cofounder of the Harvard Center for Cognitive Studies, he helped to institutionalize the cognitivist approach to psychology. In short, he did much to give modern psychology its present shape† â€Å"During the 1970s, Miller became one of the leading advocates for the field of cognitive science. His book, Language and Perception (1976) with Philip Johnson- Laird, helped to set the agenda for the field† (â€Å"Gold Medal Awards†, 1991). Another contributor to the cognitive psychology world would be Albert Bandura. â€Å"Bandura’s initial program of research at Stanford focused on the centrality of social modeling in humanShow MoreRelatedPsychology : Cognitive Psychology And Psychology980 Words   |  4 Pages A Cognitive Psychology 1064 Words 5 Pages Cognitive psychology began around 19th century. Different approaches have been used to trace the roots of psychology. It is also known that cognitive psychology was out numbered by behaviorism but later revived, bringing into being cognitive revolution. The paper discusses cognitive revolution in the history of cognitive psychology as the most influential part in the practice of modern psychology. 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